Sunday, 13 January 2013

sMiLe :)


Always be smile..whenever u have a probles cause smile will release ur tension even not at all...tell me who not handsome or pretty or cute when smile...surely everybody looks great when smile even me...
kan aku dah kata..senyum tu yg x senyum kiranya aty dy ada something wrong la...try to smile whatever condition

KAiFyl aiDEen

comey kannnnnn...esh kan best dpt jumpa ank sepupu aku...rsanya ank sepupu aku pon dah besar...comey kan ank sedara kwn aku..nama bdak ni kaifyl aideen...yg for sure bdak ni comey dr uncle dy a.k.a. my frenz...wkakakkakaka....xp aku rasa ank sepupu aku secomel aku kot...maklumla aku pon comel gak...<terperasan jgak

xp yg best kat bdak2 ni..dyeorg xreti tipu kita mcm org dewasa tipu kita..dyeorg secaring parents kita...and dyeorg sweet mcm aku..hahahahha <aryni mmg mood aku haru...

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

my dream

how i miss that prince nightmare...wish to meet him...just this song i change for i stalk him in my dream..wish could meet that guy..the guy that made me angry but same time give me i need him..could everybody told me how can i find that guy..even everything about him i don't really remember...please come to me..owhhhhh i'm crazy today..please ignore me..i hope i can found that guy so i can release my angry to him..but after i think about mostly impossible to found that guy cause he just come to my dream and not in my reallity..could you alls imagine that..but nevermind..i still want to find pn,,,ada ka pn ag...ntahla